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Eltz Castle

    Eltz castle is situated at the Eltz River and is private property of the counts of Eltz. They […]

 781 total views

Runkel Castle

Castle Runkel was first mentioned in the 12’th century but is probably much older. While Sheila stayed in nearby Limburg, […]

 712 total views

Canada 1989

Sheila and I went to Canada 1989 (?) before continuing to the USA. We visited friends in Missisauga close to […]

 891 total views

Trieste Italy Miramare

Castle Miramare was built by Habsburger Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph Maria of Austria, grandson of emperor Franz I. and Wittelbacher […]

 901 total views

Czechia, Prag

Sheila and I went to Prag twice at 1989 ?? and in the early 1990’ties. We had coffee in famous […]

 818 total views

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