Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (who also indulges in the pleasures of writing traval stories) from Thailand visited the popular tourist site “Fuggerei” 2016, as many other tourists which provides for a nice income for the little community. Michail Gorbatschow was here too 2005.
Dorothea Braun, who lived in the Fuggerei, was denounced by her 11 year old daughter of being a witch, was tortured and finally confessed. 1625 Dorothea Braun was executed. So better buy your kids the newest smartphones if they want them.
The “Fuggerei” is the oldest still existing social housing project of the world and was founded 1521 by Jakob Fugger the Rich, a wealthy and powerful tradesman and banker who financed the “Habsburger” and the church. It is operated by the “Fuggerschen Stiftung” (fund) The rent for one apartment is 0,88 Euro per year (without associated costs) plus a daily prayer for the founder and his family. Fortune buys followers. There was also an own church built on the compound. The apartments are small by todays standads but comfortable for that time and they come with small gardens and have been redecorated and modernized over the years. One of the houses can be visited by the tourists. Franz Mozart, great grandfather of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (born in Salzburg) lived here 1681-1693. The compound also puts up a bunker for the inhabitants which was built 1943 during WWII. The bunker hosts a museum. Augsburg with its military industry, specially Messerschmitt aircraft industry was an important target for airstrikes and was severely damaged in February 1944. Which caused Hitler to enforce the U-Verlagerung (displacement of military industry to underground plants) like Duck or Cerusit.
Statue of Jakob Fugger („The Rich“)
The church in the Fuggerei and the compounds/communities central Meeting point
The Augustusbrunnen on the central place in Augsburg (roman: Augusta Vindelicum) was finished 1594 is dedicated roman emperor Augustus who founded Augsburg 15 bc. The destroyed fountain was repaired and rebuilt after WWII by the Messerschmitt company.
Augsburg became one of most important cities of the German Empire in mediaeval time. It was here in the “Augsburger Schied” (legal decision) where the city of Munich was founded 1158 and given to “Heinich dem Löwen” (Welfe) by emperor Friedrich Barbarossa.
Watch brave hero Duffy Duck in “The Commando” getting into a Mess of Messerschmitts.
The “Bayerisches Reinheitsgebot” (1516) or the “Müchner Reinheitsgebot 1487) might be the oldest still effective laws affecting the contents of food (beer), but the quality of beer was already regulated much earlier.
In the “Justitia Civitatis Augustensi” 1156, a city constitution for Augsburg the quality of beer was regulated and the severity of penalties was set up if inappropriate beer should be produced and sold . Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa (Staufer) who died in the area of todays south-east Turkey (Göksu) during a crusade passed that law.
Famous Bavarian villain “Räuber Kneißl” was executed in Augsburg 1902.
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