Having been on the Hohenpeißenberg recently I noticed that I lost another blog in Norway. So I have to rewrite […]
503 total views
Having been on the Hohenpeißenberg recently I noticed that I lost another blog in Norway. So I have to rewrite […]
503 total views
Wittelbacher Castle Kaltenberg was founded 1292 by Wittelbacher Rudolf I. Duke of Upper Bavaria and Pallatine Duke At the Rhine […]
541 total views, 1 views today
After we visited Friedberg we drove through a lovely landscape with many oaks and we also visited Aichach, the capital […]
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1 Friedberg, respectively the castle “Fridberch” was founded by Wittelsbacher Duke Ludwig II. (der Strenge, the rigorous) with the agreement […]
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Castle Possenhofen, once in the possession of the Wittelsbacher family was bought by Duke and Elector Ferdinand Maria (who missed […]
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Tegernsee Lake with boat tour. The notorious Spa Hotel Hanselbauer, later Hotel Lederer is now finally history. It has been […]
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Marianne and Michael suggested, to go on another bicycle tour. So I took the two to the Holy Mountain “Andechs” […]
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Doing sports outside, as long as you keep your distance, is still allowed in Germany. As I woke up early […]
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Hohenstaufen is situated at the north-western side of the Swabian Alps. The time of the Staufer was coined by […]
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The prehistoric site and Alamannic hillfort on the “Runder Berg” (Round Mountain) was hard to find and no direct path […]
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Emperor Wilhelm I. (1797-1888, emperor since 1871, the one with the long beard) is commemorated with several colossal monuments in Germany at different […]
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The town of Quedlinburg is at least known since the early 9th century. Emperor Heinrich I. („der Vogler“ The Fowler, 876-936) […]
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The history is full of smudgy walls. You can go back in history further and further and you will find […]
849 total views, 1 views today
Ronald D. went to Roma (Rome) to attain some spiritual development and enlightenment as we all know, he needs some. […]
899 total views
Wittelbacher Christoph III. ruled as king in 3 nordic countries as Kristofer af Bayern Swedish since 1441, Christoffer af Bayern […]
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