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More Marathon and Museums in Munich, Moorish Dancers, Moriskentänzer

Ducks making bubbles at Munich Auer Dult
Wiesn 2022, Munich, Oktoberfest

After a fascinating sunrise in the east.

Michael joined me on a trip through the streets of Munich. Also, through two more museums.

We first visited the “Münchner Stadtmuseum” with the famous “Moriskentänzer” (Moorish Dancers, one of them is indeed of Dark Color from Afrika) 1480 from artist and Multi Genius Erasmus Grasser. Who also rebuilt the Saline in Bad Reichenhall. Under Wittelsbacher Duke Albrecht IV. He made a striking career and owned a nice big house (today the “Zechbauer-Haus”) at the Max Joseph Platz.

The Moriskentänzer of Erasmus Grasser are some of Munich’s most valuable art possessions. A copy in bronze (Hochzeiter, probably the most iconic one) is at the entrance of the old City Hall.

Copies of all the others are inside in the big Tanzsaal (hall) upstairs.

„GröFaZ“ Adolf Hitler also had a replica of a Moriskentänzer in his home in Berchtesgaden, in the Berghof (formerly Haus Wachenfeld). In der guten Stube. (the nice parlour of the house with a nice tiled fire place) The “Zauberer” (Enchanter) or “Löwenkopf” (Lionhead). We searched the web and found a nice antique postcard. While we focus on quality (Ducks) some People are collecting all kind of sh..  ->This bro has stole yolo.


We also found a nice piece in the museum, the skullcap of Holy Nantwein. Which was built into a nice drinking cup. It was auctioned in the USA and bought by a Benefactor in the USA and given to the museum.

Cheers. It looks like the Holy Grail.


The tale has it, that Holy Nantwein was murdered near Wolfratshausen in city district Nantwein. By the local corrupt judge (justice is not about the law but about appointing judges) and the landlady of the Inn “Feuriger Drache” (Fiery Dragon). Who both conspired and falsely accused Nantwein of raping the son of the landlady. Nantwein came through town, travelling to Rome on a nice, expensive horse which the judge liked and wanted to seize. While Nantwein was executed on the market place the horse of the judge (we don’t know which one) became blind and the horse shied away. Dragging away the criminal women through town and killing her. It’s said that she still ghosts through Wolfratshausen. Maybe also haunting brilliant speaker Edmund Stoiber (former Bavarian President) during the night. Bavarias former Prime Minister, Edmund Stoiber lives in Wolfratshausen.

We also saw

-the “Tegernseerin” Church Bell. Which originally was casted for the monastery Tegernsee.

– the old, damaged statue of a Butcher (the old, raised drinking cup is missing) which used to be on top of the “Fischbrunnen”. A fountain where the annual “Metzgersprung” (jump of the Butchers) takes place. The Fischbrunnen in the old days was used to keep the fresh caught fish alive before they were sold.




Statue of the Butcher who used to stand on the Fish-Fountain. The arm with the raised drinking cup ist missing. (WWII)

They also show the originals of the cute, little Angels (Baroque Putti on the Mariensäule), one of them killing a snake (which depicts other religions or non believers; and depicting the burdens during the Thirty Years War under Elector Maximilian I. of Bavaria.

A special exhibition reminded of the Olympic games 1972 in Munich. Also, of the terrible terrorist attack on the Israeli Team. Which was commemorated with different events recently, like “Radeln und Erinnern”. (Biking and Commemoration)


Another exhibition was at the Wilderness Ranch Museum Jexthof this year.



The Dachshound (Wiener, Waldi) was in the exhibition and it inspired protestors 1972 to create some more art.



We left the Münchner Stadtmuseum and went towards the “Münchner Spielzeugmuseum” (Toy Museum) (Next to Shakespeare’s Juliet from Verona). We found the Toy Museum Bear infested and saw only one Duck.

We were looking for a Model Kit of the “Siegestor”, which Grandfather Ludwig gave his grandson Ludwig. (King Ludwig I,,/ King Ludwig II. Of Bavaria) Both loved building swank, expensive castles.


But they did not have that in the small Museum in the small tower connected with the old Munich City Hall.

With a statue of Heinrich der Löwe (Welfe) on the façade of the City Hall and with copies of the Moriskentänzer in the Tanzsaal (dancing hall) and one in front of it (Bronze).

Instead, we found an invasion of vermin in the museum. Toy Bears.


We only found one Duck. So, we were disappointed. But the view overlooking the Marienplatz was impressive. And they also have the oldest Barbie Puppet with outfit there, the bish who stole Sheilas sty in orbit recently.

On the way we came across another Marathon Run through the town of Munich. Another pest in the neck of all the neighbors having to cope with the limitations of access to their homes. Like the Isarinselfest (festival on the Isar Islands with abused Ducks). At least the little ones could take home some Ducks by proving their skills at a goal shooting contest with paper planes during the Isarinselfest. A Ducky was the winning prize.

And the runners smiled and greeted when they saw Fan Michael along the route. The Run is sponsored by a German Insurer. Whose poor employees were forced by their bosses to smile and fight for their company/party.


We also passed a memorial plate reminding of Carl Spitzweg who lived in the neighborhood.


We accomplished the tour with a tasty snack and drink in (sitting outside) Kaffee Rischart at the Marienplatz.

We later also passed the big city house which was owned by self-made man Erasmus Grasser in the old days. Across from the Nationaltheater (opera house). Grasser became very rich at his time. The house is just one house further away from the Spatenhaus. Where Princess Royal and Jared Kushner had Wiener Schnitzel. Here you can see, how they fixed the Wiener Schnitzel in the old days.


Credit: Maps Icons ColIlection,

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Ducks making bubbles at Munich Auer Dult
Wiesn 2022, Munich, Oktoberfest